Passionate about Print

May 01, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

In the news recently was the Google Vice-President Vint Cerf, who has been warning about the degradation of the worlds digital files - a phenomenon that he calls "bit-rot". Mr. Cerf is suggesting that in the future, print might be the best format for storing data, if we don't want to run the risk of losing vital information.

I learnt my craft as a photographer before the digital revolution, taking pictures on film and printing them to photographic paper in the darkroom. These were happy days for me but there is no doubt that this was hard work and digital photography ushered in many process advantages and creative opportunities that have revolutionised photography. While I have no wish to turn the clock back, it is true to say that those days of film instilled in me was an ingrained love and appreciation of the photographic print. 

Framed PrintsFramed Prints

Pictures professionally printed on art quality paper, mounted and framed by experts add something special

In the digital age we have so many more ways of sharing and enjoying photographic images. But for me, the printed image will always be something special, it has a tactile quality and a feeling of permanence; something that will endure and can be appreciated forever. There is something exciting and special about browsing through a set of printed photographs. Like many, I still have draws full of family prints that we never found the time to stick in to albums. But, even though they are in boxes, it is still a thrill for me and my family to get them out occasionally and relive the memories that they hold. For me, sitting around a table with family and friends looking at these prints is so much more meaningful than sharing them on social media.

Wedding AlbumWedding Album

A bespoke designed hand-made album is the perfect way to view wedding pictures

When it comes to professional quality photographs, I believe that there is no comparison between a picture viewed on a screen and a picture printed on top quality photographic paper and beautifully presented in a frame or bespoke designed album. And if we are to believe the remarks from Google, prints may well prove to be much more permanent than digital files: To quote Vint Cerf "If you have photos you really care about, print them out".



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